
The essential parameter for the success is the vegetation.

The composition of the plant species (native plants adapted to the situation) and the development of the plants / the way of planting.
Pre-planted mats are cultivated with a dense quantity of twenty plants per sqm for at least one vegetation period.

Special shemes?
We have the experiences and the production power. More than 50.000 sqm of basins for the cultivation provide a solution for every region and most types of water bodies.
ESWEG is the largest producer of preplanted mats. Our mats are long time cultivated to achieve instant effects.
We from ESWEG are in permanent discussion and able to develop the right solutions.
AquaFlora Floating Wetlands have the highest density of native wetland plants with different species that are adapted to the requested conditions.
Would you like to know more about them? See their descriptions below.

Lythrium Salicaria
Purple loosestrife
- Straight and four-edged stems in the upper area. Branched and hairy
- Opposite and lanceolate leaves
- In good location conditions, they can grow until 1,8 m high
- Until 0,2 m water depth
- Woody shoot
- Woody and white main roots
- Medium root growth
- Roots until 50 cm depth
- Light yellow coloration of the roots
- Woody and white main roots
- Medium propagation velocity
- First a generative colonization, then generative and vegetative in a narrow space
- It is not dogged
Installation sites
- Constantly in water until moist
- Sunny sites
- Conspicuous red flowering
- July – September
- Generative
How to use them
- In watercourses
- In calm waters
- In inner areas because of conspicuous bleeding aspect and the bite tolerance

Scirpus lacustris
Lakeshore bulrush
- Straight and four-edged stems in the upper area. Branched and hairy
- Opposite and lanceolate leaves
- In good location conditions, they can grow until 1,8 m high
- Until 0,2 m water depth
- Woody shoot
- Woody and white main roots
- Medium root growth
- Roots until 50 cm depth
- Light yellow coloration of the roots
- Woody and white main roots
- Medium propagation velocity
- First a generative colonization, then generative and vegetative in a narrow space
- It is not dogged
Installation sites
- Constantly in water until moist
- Sunny sites
- Conspicuous red flowering
- July – September
- Generative
How to use them
- In watercourses
- In calm waters
- In inner areas because of conspicuous bleeding aspect and the bite tolerance

Lythrium Salicaria

Scirpus Lacustris

Lythrium Salicaria

Lythrium Salicaria

Lythrium Salicaria

Scirpus Lacustris

Scirpus Lacustris

Lythrium Salicaria

Lythrium Salicaria

Lythrium Salicaria

Scirpus Lacustris

Lythrium Salicaria

Lythrium Salicaria

Scirpus Lacustris

Lythrium Salicaria

Lythrium Salicaria

Scirpus Lacustris